Desire - 22 years

3rd year Petroleum engineering and environmental management, Mbarara University. Desire always performed well in school, but her father was struggling to earn enough money to pay her school fees repeatedly. Therefore, our foundation started supporting Desire in 2015. Life has not been easy for Desire. Her mother left when she was still small, and her father died in a traffic accident in 2016 “I have been working very hard for my studies. Next year I will be in the 4th and final year which ends by November 2023 and my graduation can probably be in 2024. Petroleum Engineering and Environmental Management is an interesting course that has many different opportunities. It’s related to extraction of hydrocarbons from underground at minimum costs and how best the environmental problems that come along can be controlled. Life at campus is not very easy but I am really pleased with it and being able to do what I want. I thank the Lord so much for having blessed me with all the Team at Auntie Rosette Foundation because I don’t think I would have been where I am now without you all. God bless you.”

Esther - 20 years

4th grade- secondary school (Senior 4 Global High School) Esther is hardworking and she enjoys going to school. It is her dream to leave village life behind her and live in the city. “I am happy that we are all back to school and already preparing for my final year examinations, School has been very busy because of Covid we are not able to complete the syllabus, but the teachers are trying hard to take us through the most important topics that are examined. This is a very busy time for me now and all the candidates in the final stage of secondary school and I will be doing my exams by late November”.

Oscar - 19 years

Car mechanic. After completing the sixth grade of primary school, Oscar did not want to continue to go to school. Therefore, he followed Vocational training in the capital Kampala to become a car mechanic. Oscar has now finished his Vocational training in Car Mechanics. He is in Kampala taking part time employment until the economic situation gets better. Unfortunately, Covid and the energy crisis have affected the use of cars in Kampala and it became more difficult to find an employment in this field

Mercy - 18 years

3rd grade secondary School (Kyeizooba Girls). “Every class year gets busier and being a sub candidate means working hard to prepare for Candidate classes next year. If it were not for Covid, I would be doing my exams now. Unfortunately we lost time, but I am very happy that we are all back to school because I almost lost hope during Covid time.” Patience has always been motivated to work hard to get a better future. When she was young, she used to say “If I have a job in the future, I want to pay for a help at home and a gardener for my mother. She gets tired of the hard work, yet she still has to cook food for us when we come home from school.”

Elizabeth - 18 years

1st grade Kyamate Secondary school. After her father died, Elizabeth and her brothers Brandon and Benjamin started living with their aunt Molly, so they could continue going to school. Elizabeth has always worked hard at school to be the best in her class. “I am very happy about my school, the teachers and the studies. The way of studying here is so much different now in Secondary school compared to Primary school and it feels good to be away from home to learn new things and make new friends. I immediately became the class representative and head of the science team. This term, we went on an agricultural school trip to Mbarara which was so much fun! Thanks to you all for making it possible.”